Looking for something to do tonight? Come on over to Frankenmuth High School! Our high school Symphony Band will be performing at the annual MSBOA Band & Orchestra Festival! Their performance time is 7:20pm and from there they move onto Sight Reading where they have to learn a brand new piece in 5 minutes and then perform it.
Come on out and support our student musicians and one of the best bands in mid Michigan in their quest for 11 years in a row of qualifying for states!
Smile! It's a great day to be a Viking!

It’s a great day to be a Viking! Congratulations to the following staff who were the recipients of FEBRUARY VIKING VICTORS:
Ms. Weiss – Middle School
Mr. Conley - All buildings
Mrs. Brady – Middle School & High School
It’s time to get your MARCH vote on! Anyone can vote: Students, staff, parents and members of the community. Use this link to nominate: https://bit.ly/3MwxqnA

March is National Athletic Training Appreciation Month...
The Swan Valley Athletic Department, coaches, and athletes want to thank athletic trainer Katie Schwab for all that she does! She has been a great addition to our staff and always puts our athletes first. In appreciation of Katie, the Athletic Department presented her with a thank you card, gift cards, and a new SV crossbody!
Thank you Katie! Your genuine care and effort does not go unnoticed.
Viking Pride!

This is a reminder that there will be a boys volleyball club parent-player meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the high school library. At this meeting, a head coach and volunteer assistants will be introduced and a practice / competition schedule shared. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
This meeting is for any 9th-12th grade students planning on playing this spring. Practices will start Monday, March 10th!
If you have any questions, please email rstephens1@swanvalley.k12.mi.us or sgyger@swanvalley.k12.mi.us.

Swan Valley Varsity Girls Basketball will take on Freeland tomorrow night at 5:30 p.m. at Alma High School in the district semifinals. Tickets may only be purchased on GoFan at the following link: https://gofan.co/event/3306890?schoolId=MI3680. No cash or passes will be accepted.
Please note, the normal entrance to Alma HS is not available due to construction on Pine Ave. THE NEW ENTRANCE during construction is at the same location as the Varsity Baseball Field. This is off of Begole Rd (in the country) and Bridge Ave. (in the city).
AND IN THE EAST LOT (next to tennis courts).
Entry for FANS is only allowed at door #43
Please the see the link below of a Google Map with directions from Swan Valley High School: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jcqn8rRhqKcngLaq5
Good luck Lady Vikes!

Join us for this exciting community event! Our very own Havens Elementary Choir will be performing during the Free Community Concert in the evening!
Event: The Lionheart Experience Community Concert
Date: March 10, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Swan Valley Performing Arts Center
Free to all students, parents and our community!
Check here for more information: https://thelionheartexperience.com/

The Swan Valley Varsity Girls Basketball Team won their district game tonight with a victory over Bullock Creek 47-26! The Lady Vikes will advance to the semifinals on Wednesday night at 5:30 p.m. against Freeland.
Viking Pride!

The Swan Valley High School Class of 2025 is asking your help in getting out the word on a program designed to honor one of Swan Valley’s outstanding graduates. We would like to introduce our 28th annual honoree at this year’s graduation exercise on June 2, 2025. Please click on this link: https://www.swanvalleyschools.com/page/distinguished-alumni-information

Swan Valley Varsity Girls Basketball will take on Bullock Creek tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Alma High School in the first round of districts. Tickets may only be purchased on GoFan at the following link: https://gofan.co/event/3306841?schoolId=MI3680. No cash or passes will be accepted.
Please note, the normal entrance to Alma HS is not available due to construction on Pine Ave. THE NEW ENTRANCE during construction is at the same location as the Varsity Baseball Field. This is off of Begole Rd (in the country) and Bridge Ave. (in the city).
AND IN THE EAST LOT (next to tennis courts).
Entry for FANS is only allowed at door #43
Please the see the link below of a Google Map with directions from Swan Valley High School: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jcqn8rRhqKcngLaq5
Good luck Lady Vikes!

Come on out and see ALYSSA JIMENEZ in her last performance of THIS MURDER WAS STAGED. Alyssa had a lot of fun working on her characters. Growing up, she was a dramatic girl who wanted to be a famous actress. She enjoys listening to music, hanging out with friends, and sleeping. She plans on going to Ferris State to major in Pre-Pharmacy after high school.

The Swan Valley Powerlifters competed at the JV State Championships yesterday at Flint Powers! Nolan Selasky placed 2nd in his respective weight class! Although the other Vikings fell short, they fought hard and should be proud of their effort!
Michael Gerard will compete in the Varsity State Championships on Saturday, March 8th.
Viking Pride!

Come out and see AUBREY DAVIDSON in her last performance of THIS MURDER WAS STAGED. Aubrey is embarking on her acting journey for the first time this year. As a senior, this marks her debut in the drama world, and she is taking on the roles of Taylor, Sylvia, Linus, and Marsha in the high school production of This Murder Was Staged.
Outside of the theater, Aubrey enjoys relaxing with her dogs and catching up on sleep. Looking ahead, she plans to attend Delta College and Northwood University to pursue a business degree with a focus on Construction Management. Aubrey joined drama to step out of her comfort zone and seize new experiences, especially during her final year at Swan Valley. She didn’t want to look back and regret not trying something new before graduation.

Come on out and see PABLO DIAZ in his last performance of THIS MURDER WAS STAGED. Pablo is on set and props, and he helped on the process of making the stage. He helped people like Liam, an actor, to figure out what props to use. He plays football, soccer, rugby and rides motorcycles. He likes to go fishing with his friends. He helped on the build of some of the props.

It would be a CRIME if you missed out on your last chance to see THIS MURDER WAS STAGED! Be prepared for an afternoon filled with suspense, intrigue, and mystery. Who’s the killer? Is it one of you? Is it one of us? Where did the body go? And what else is to be discovered? Move over, Clue, there's a new murder mystery in town. Join SVHS Drama at the PAC at 2:00. Tickets are $7.

Did you miss opening night? That's okay! You have two more opportunities to catch THIS MURDER WAS STAGED! Head down to the PAC tonight at 7:00 for another chance before the show--just like Sinclair Hemmings--is gone...

Alex Schram went 1-2 today losing in the blood round and falling just short of placing. Congrats Alex on an amazing season.

It's go time!!
State tournament starts at 10!

The cast and crew of THIS MURDER WAS STAGED, copyright Heidi McGrandy.

The Swan Valley Varsity Boys Basketball Team will take on Freeland tomorrow night in the district finals at 7:00 p.m. at Swan Valley High School. Tickets may only be purchased on GoFan at the following link: https://gofan.co/event/3256974?schoolId=MI3680. Cash or passes will not be accepted, but there will be a card reader at the door.
Come show your Viking Pride!

IT'S OPENING NIGHT! A murder. A room full of secrets. And no one is telling the truth. Who’s the killer? Don’t blink…you might miss a clue! "This Murder Was Staged" – Who can you trust? Get your tickets at the door for $7 TONIGHT! Cash only.